Wolverine vs. Thanos: Who Would Win in a Fight?

It would be exciting to see combat between Wolverine and Thanos, two of the most well known characters in Marvel history. But if a fight broke out, who would win: Wolverine or Thanos?

Furthermore, it is only fair to point out that any discussion of Wolverine vs. Thanos includes references to each character’s unique skills and abilities. So let’s compare the many skills that Thanos and Wolverine have to see who would win in a fight.

Strengths of Wolverine

Wolverine superpowers strengths

Wolverine is one of the most well-known X-Men characters of all time. He was born with bone and metal claws that he can stretch and retract from his hands. Wolverine is a resilient combatant who can heal wounds faster than other people, so even if you attempt to hurt him, he will still fight on.

  • Regeneration/Immortality: The majority of the damaged or destroyed organs and tissue in Wolverine’s body innately regenerate at a rate that is faster than in a typical human. Wolverine’s ability to heal also allows him to live a longer life because it slows the effects of age. Notwithstanding being well over 100 years old, he still has the physical vitality, visual appeal, and health of a man in the prime of his life. Wolverine also has limited resistance to the poisons that come from exhaustion brought on by exercise.
  • Retractable Bone Claws: Under the muscle and skin of his forearms, Wolverine’s skeleton is home to six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm. At the command, Wolverine could pull these slightly arched claws through his skin in the space between his knuckles on each hand. Wolverine is capable of simultaneously unsheathing all of his claws. Following enhancement, Wolverine’s bones became unbreakable, and in proportion to the force he could apply, his claws could pierce through any material.
  • Superhuman Senses: Wolverine is supposed to be slightly less evolved than Daredevil yet has the ability to hear sounds from much farther away than any human. Wolverine has an enhanced sense of smell that enables him to identify and locate objects and people solely by smell.
  • Superhuman Strength: Wolverine can tolerate intense physical strain thanks to his strengthened skeleton. Additionally, his strength is increased to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift more than 800 lbs momentarily.
  • Superhuman Durability, Speed, Stamina, and Reflexes: Logan has quite a few superhuman abilities due to his mutant status, including improved speed, stamina, and reflexes.

Strengths of Thanos

Thanos made his debut in Iron Man #55 by Jim Starlin and Mike Friedrich. He was a member of the Titan-born race known as the Eternals.

Thanos inherited the Deviant gene from his parents, which also gave him a huge body,  a chin furrow, purple skin, and a great deal of strength and intelligence. The Marvel Encyclopedia describes him as “one among the powerful entities in the universe.” This means that he won’t face many opponents who could beat him.

  • Superhuman Strength: Thanos was the only person who had ever been able to brandish all six Infinity Stones with ease. He had unimaginable levels of superhuman power, making him one of, if not the strongest being in the cosmos. Thanos easily defeated the Hulk and Thor while obtaining the Tesseract, smashing the Hulk into a bloody pulp, knocking him out with a few blows, and raising the bloodied Thor like a ragdoll while claiming he could crush Thor’s head.
  • Superhuman Durability: Thanos possessed unimaginable levels of grit and toughness, enabling him to handle the Infinity Stones with ease and even use the power of all six Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet without effort. Thanos managed to escape a one-on-one battle with an experienced Thor during the Attack on the Statesman without getting hurt. In contrast, Thor was nearly killed before remaining unharmed and barely fazed by punches from Hulk.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Thanos had a large, powerful bulk, but his reflexes were superhuman, astonishing. He expertly parried a few blows from the Hulk before striking him repeatedly in a split second before the Hulk could react.
  • Superhuman Speed: Thanos is incredibly fast despite his large size and bulky physique. In hand-to-hand battle, he was able to outwit and defeat the Hulk in a matter of seconds.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Thanos had exceptional stamina, as seen by his ability to prevail in both challenging fights with the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy while expending both his great physical strength and the Infinity Stones to the utmost degree. He activated the Gauntlet despite coming dangerously close to Death, thanks to Thor, and soon after that, he was back to normal walking.
  • Accelerated Healing Factor: Thanos recovered from wounds much more quickly than the majority of species do, as evidenced by the fact that, aside from burn wounds caused by the Gauntlet, all injuries he received from the Avengers and Guardians were immediately healed as soon as he withdrew. Even Stormbreaker’s wound, which could have killed him, had completely recovered.
  • Super Longevity: Thanos ruled the galaxy as a warlord for ages. Gamora hinted to Nebula that, in addition to possessing an immortal life, it might not be able to kill Thanos.

Why Thanos Would Defeat Wolverine in a Fight

Normally, Thanos would be the more likely winner in a fight with Wolverine, but there are a few circumstances in which Wolverine might prevail.

Even though Wolverine always has access to his regenerative healing factor, facing Thanos would be too much for him. Despite the fact that Wolverine may still drown, for example, Thanos is believed to be immortal. When the Energy criterion is compared, it is evident that Wolverine cannot operate with Thanos. Wolverine does not have enough Energy to help him in this battle. Unfortunately, Wolverine only received a 1 out of 7, making it logical.

Given that Thanos is regarded as one of the smartest beings in the cosmos, Wolverine has little chance of outwitting him.

Thanos is considered the ideal being because he received perfect scores for the final two criteria, speed and power. Wolverine received only a 2 for speed and a 4 for strength.

The worst of our fears were realized during this battle. Wolverine could never face Thanos on his own. He would need the help of the X-Men or The Avengers to fight the Mad Titan. Against the Mad Titan, Wolverine has no chance.

Thanos Defeated Wolverine by Transforming His Bones Into Rubber

Wolverine had a good part in the original plot of The Infinity Gauntlet, where he assisted the surviving heroes in their attempt to defeat a powerful Thanos. Regrettably, Wolverine’s adamantium bones were turned into rubber during the initial attempt to defeat the Mad Titan.

The surviving heroes in George Perez, Jim Starlin, and Ron Lim’s classic six-issue series, The Infinity Gauntlet, make their first effort to try to defeat Thanos after he wipes out half of the existence to please the true living essence of Death. The outcome of their mission is a total failure. When the heroes approach, Thanos smiles as they attempt to defeat him. He quickly eliminates them, killing a few A-list Marvel figures like Cyclops, Scarlet Witch, and Vision. But when he faces off against Wolverine, the takedown may be the bloodiest.

When Thanos isn’t looking, Wolverine did manage to attack him and catch him off guard. With the Infinity Gems at his disposal, Logan drives his claws deep into his opponent’s chest, but sadly, his usual killing blow is ineffective. Thanos decides to kill Wolverine in one of the most gruesome ways possible in order to use him as a lesson. Invulnerable adamantium from the hero’s bones is transformed into rubber by him. Wolverine is instantly killed as Thanos watches his deformed corpse. He keeps on keeping on as the Attack goes on.