Wolverine vs. Apocalypse: Who Would Win a Fight?

It would be exciting to witness a fight between Wolverine and Apocalypse. Who would prevail, in any case, if the two got into a dangerous fight where their lives were on the line?

So, if the loser conceded defeat, would the fight be fair? Given that it is an ideology that attracts numerous followers almost constantly, it would be very interesting to witness this fight.

Before I’ll try to do my best describing who would win between the two, let’s look at both of their strenghts first.

Strengths of Wolverine

One of the most complex but talented characters is Wolverine’s alter ego, Logan. For starters, he seems to enjoy being by himself and has an endless desire for intensity.

Skeletons, particularly those from the past, become ingrained in his mind and subject him to endless periods of mental anguish. Logan, however, is kind and devoted to those he considers important in his life.

He joined the X-men in the 1960s and has made several successful appearances.

Regenerative Healing Factor

The majority of the injured or ruined organs and tissues in Wolverine’s body innately regrow at a rate that is faster than in a typical human.

It took Wolverine several weeks to retrieve from a duel with Lord Shingen, but he recovered from brain injury in a matter of days, if not hours. In recent years, Wolverine’s rate of healing has radically accelerated. Wolverine’s ability to heal also allows him to live a longer life because it slows the effects of aging.

Despite being over 100 years old, he still has a man’s physical vigor, appearance, and well-being in the prime of his daily existence.

Superhuman Senses

Since Wolverine’s sense organs deteriorate much more slowly than regular people’s, his extraordinary senses are a mixture of a unique mutant potential and his Healing Factor.

Hearing and smell are his two best senses. Wolverine has asserted that he can work adequately in total darkness as if it were day because of these improved senses, but this does not imply that he has improved sight; rather, it refers to his improved hearing and smell.

Retractable Bone Claws

Under the skin and muscle of his forearms, Wolverine’s skeleton is home to six extendable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm. Wolverine could pull these mildly arched claws through his skin in the space between his knuckles on each hand.

Following augmentation, Wolverine’s bones became unbreakable, and in proportion to the strength he can exert, his claws can pierce through any material. Wolverine can unsheathe as many of his claws at once, but he must maintain a straight wrist where the claws transition from his forearms into his hands.

The claws are completely contained within his forearms when unsheathed, enabling him to flex his wrists when they are stretched.

Superhuman Stamina

Wolverine has greater perseverance than regular people because of his healing factor, which gives him extraordinary stamina and makes him partly immune to the tiredness toxins produced by physical exertion. It has been said that he has metahuman stamina.

Superhuman Strength

Wolverine can withstand intense physical pressure thanks to his reinforced skeleton. Additionally, his strength is increased to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift more than 800 lbs momentarily.

Enhanced Reflexes and Agility

Wolverine has improved agility and reflexes, enabling him to deflect enemy blows. He easily avoided Cyclops’ eyepiece blasts on several occurrences.

Superhuman Durability

Wolverine’s Adamantium skeleton and healing factor work together to give him extraordinary durability.

Strengths of Apocalypse

Apocalypse, one of Marvel’s original mutants, has contributed significantly to the advancement of mutant kind. He has been prepared to shed as much blood as required because of his survival-of-the-fittest philosophy in a universe that wants mutants to perish. Let’s examine Apocalypse’s abilities and powers.

Superhuman Strength

Apocalypse acquires extraordinary strength, which he can augment by drawing on outside energy sources; Apocalypse has demonstrated the ability to physically hold back the Hulk while the Hulk is enraged and knock around a young Thor. As a result, Apocalypse is up to the task of lifting far more than 100 tons.

Superhuman Stamina

Almost no fatigue toxins are produced while Apocalypse is exercising. He can work at maximum capacity endlessly.


Apocalypse is extremely tough to harm. This resistance to damage was increased by the Celestial alterations to his armor and body, making him impenetrable to injury. However, after his initial body was damaged, it was now possible to inflict injury on him so that his strength would not instantly heal.


Apocalypse has demonstrated the capacity to teleport himself and others all over vast distances across the globe, as well as teleport a whole fortification with him while leaving those within it behind.


Apocalypse can fly by telekinesis, turning his arms into wings, jets, or both.

Celestial Energy Generation

Apocalypse can produce energy for a variety of effects, including but not restricted to:

  • Superhuman speed: He can appear to move at supersonic speeds by putting energy into his body, which helps him react more quickly. This skill enables him to combat opponents who possess super-speed abilities.
  • Energy absorption: Apocalypse can capture energy and mass to increase both his power and strength to limitless levels.
  • Energy projection: Possibility to direct disastrous beams and energy blasts from his eyes and hands. Apocalypse can also eject energy from his body, controlling its flow and producing powerful explosions.

Bio-Molecular Alteration

Apocalypse has complete control over his body’s molecular composition and is able to change it at will. This indicates that he is unaffected by matter manipulation and can change his molecular structure in response to any difficulty. Additionally, Apocalypse is capable of the following:

  • Size alteration: Apocalypse has the power to alter his size at will; he can enlarge or contract his body by absorbing new mass or expelling old mass from an, assumedly, additional amount source.
  • Malleable form: The entire body of Apocalypse can be changed at will. He has the ability to change his visual effect, make his body incredibly malleable, keep all of his dexterity, and lengthen his body or limbs.
  • Physical superhuman powers: Due to his ability to change his physical appearance, Apocalypse is able to equip himself with a wide variety of melee and ranged weapons, including plasma cannons, claws, swords, axes, tentacles, and other superhuman powers.


Since Apocalypse’s original body was indestructible, he had already lived for a long time before the Celestial ship altered him. Apocalypse has the ability to enter a coma-like state of hibernation mode, where he can use his Celestial technology to heal any wounds.

His alteration by the Celestials and his augmentation had a drawback. The techno-organic virus required to make this possible ravaged his body, necessitating the acquisition of new ones over time.


Apocalypse has telekinetic powers that allow him to control energy psionically and, with enough willpower, levitate himself or others. He can ” lift” weights of more than 100 tons and enable himself to “fly” at high speeds. He can also manipulate living things, inanimate objects, and, to some level, energy.

Why Apocalypse Would Defeat Wolverine in a Fight

Many believe En Sabah Nur, aka Apocalypse, was the first and most potent mutant on Earth. He has molecular control over himself so that he can alter his size and how his body functions.

Apocalypse also possesses superhuman strength, agility, skill, and the ability to shape-shift and fly. He also has telekinetic and regenerative healing abilities. Wolverine can’t compete with Apocalypse’s power unless he’s extremely fortunate.

There’s just no way that Wolverine could defeat this living God by himself, even if he attacked Apocalypse at the right moment and managed to land a good headshot.

Apocalypse Reveals His Children as His One Weakness

Apocalypse, one of Marvel’s original mutants, has contributed significantly to the advancement of mutant kind. Apocalypse frequently clashed with the X-Men, but until Krakoa’s creation, he witnessed mutants at their peak of strength. He has been prepared to shed as much blood as required because of his survival-of-the-fittest philosophy in a world that wanted mutants to perish.

Apocalypse has been given the opportunity to reflect on his extensive past and many deeds while leading mutant kind into the future in his capacity as a leader and a member of the Quiet Council. However, the first installment of the X-new Men’s crossover also made Apocalypse’s greatest vulnerability known: his children.

In addition to Apocalypse’s hidden relationship with Krakoa, En Sabah Nur’s First Horsemen—Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence—are crucial to the plot of X of Swords. The First Horsemen were successfully his children and the most adored of Apocalypse’s massed ranks of numerous servants because they were born to his wife, Genesis.

Even though they were the strongest Horsemen to start serving him, they and his wife were lost to him on Arakko, Krakoa’s sister’s island, in the forbidden realm of Amenth. It wasn’t until Apocalypse settled on Krakoa that he had a chance to get in touch with his kids.