Thanos vs. Doctor Doom: Who Would Win in a Fight?

“Pain? That is for lesser men. From this day on I know no pain.”

(Quoted by Doctor Doom)

Marvel comics are among the entities harboring many partisans, especially broods and some young adults. They maintain their prominence by assimilating scenes whereby famous superheroes go head to head with villains to save the world. Not once have we seen any battle of supremacy between superheroes since its formulation in 1939. Wouldn’t it mesmerize the obsessives if they turned the tables around and made it happen?

Explicitly, let’s have a look at Thanos and Doctor Doom, who are illustrious Marvel Characters.

Thanos is a great warlord who bred the idea that the world would be a better place if he destroyed half its existence. In other words, his mind always possessed genocidal thoughts which were not entirely factual. He also believed that if he obtained the infinity stones, they would grant him the power to make his quest successful, which was true. Consequently, Thanos was fond of taking up orphans and engaging them in extensive training, who would later swear allegiance to him, increasing his power. Records indicate that he was born between the years 1013 and 1018.

Doctor Doom, Dr. Victor’s real name, is the Fantastic Four’s prime enemy. He has faith that through world conquest, he would bring upward mobility and order to the human race. Additionally, he is known by many aliases, such as Emperor Doom and Doom Rex. Dr. Victor is a renowned politician and supreme leader in the Latveria Kingdom. Furthermore, he also serves as the monarch in the kingdom.

So, here’s the definitive fantasy cultivated by many,

If Doctor Doom and Thanos faced each other in a conflict that led to a battle for hegemony or death, who would surface as the top dog? What would the combat be like, and would there be any concession by the loser?

Let’s figure it out!

Doctor Doom Strengths and Powers.

1. An Expert Magician

Dr. Victor is conversant with over a hundred spells that come in handy during a battle. One can perceive that he possibly has accumulated many superheroes` powers at once. The magic helps him to get away from any adverse situation that he may come across.

The magic spells give him the subsequent powers:

  • Healing Factor– Doom can patch up expeditiously from any damage without limitation.
  • Magical Blasts– He can create explosions out of thin air just by casting his spells.
  • Teleportation– Dr. Victor can move from one point to another within seconds.
  • Time Travel– Doom can return to the past or jump into the future at will.
  • Telekinesis– Doom can move objects easily without any physical contact.
  • Making Summons– Dr. Victor can call and give orders to creatures of hell or demons, to attack his antagonists.
  • Reversing spells– Doom can counter any spell thrown at him and flip it to the sender.
  • Blocking Power– As seen in the Fantastic Four, Thanos can block or stop any superhero from using their powers.

2. A Super Genius

Doom’s level of intelligence is extremely higher compared to the standard man. Many perceive his brain and intellectualism as useful weapons. This ability has compelled him to create many advanced technological devices, such as a time machine. 

Moreover, as strange as it may be, he constructed robots that are a complete duplication of himself. His thinking is astonishing as his mind works like a radical computer.

3. Psionic abilities

Doom gained this ability after he bumped into the mutants and aliens. They are so progressive that most enthusiasts confuse them with magic. He can hypnotize individuals and gain complete control of their minds, thereby manipulating them to his liking.

Surprisingly, he can shift his mind with anybody by maintaining eye contact and later gaining control of the person’s whole body. He uses this power as a last resort in case his existence is in danger.

4. A master Combatant.

Dr. Victor has years of experience in martial arts and is very impressive when using weapons, especially the sword. He has received training from various groups, such as monks and swords masters.

At one time, he killed a lion without using his powers but with only his hands. He has supreme durability and commendable reflexes that he integrates while fighting. People may say that he does not experience any sort of fatigue.

Thanos Strengths and Powers

1. Proficient Pugilist.

Thanos has illustrated his aptitude severally on a battlefield with impressive moves and tactics that lead him to victory. He strategizes efficiently and tries to learn his opponent’s weaknesses that would help to conquer them.

The character will use any technique to accomplish his mission as long as it is within his abilities and powers as the leader of their kingdom, including using his army.

2. Superhuman intelligence

Thanos is more than a typical genius. This ability helps him to distinguish lies from the truth, thereby knowing a person’s intentions towards him. For instance, he miraculously finds out about the plans for his assassination by Loki, who pretended to be his follower.

3. Superhuman Strength, Agility, and Durability

The character has abnormal strength that helps him handle any weight or pressure. Moreover, he cannot be harmed easily and has high resilience and durability. This is because he could handle the stones’ power without enduring severe damage, as they are considered to cause harm to anything they touch.

4. Superhuman Reflexes and Stamina.

Given Thanos’ massive size, it is shocking that he possesses these abilities. He can counter attacks within seconds, saving himself from any adverse injuries. In addition, he does not tire quickly due to his heightened stamina and can work or fight for long periods.

5. Healing Power

Thanos cannot sustain injuries since his tissues mend themselves faster in case of any damage with zero regards for blood loss or the wound’s intensity. However, this power was inadequately robust when dealing with the Infinity stones, which left him half-burned with thin arms.

6. Infinity Gauntlet’s Abilities.

After Thanos acquired and took control of the infinity gauntlet, it made him more potent as he took up more powers. Furthermore, he was fond of collecting and putting the infinity stones in the gauntlet, their designated storage place.

Upon collection of all the stones, Thanos obtained the following powers:

  • Energy Manipulation– Thanos can manipulate the energy derived from the stones in any way he pleases. 
  • Death Inducement– The character can cause death to any individual effortlessly only by snapping his fingers. It was apparent when he caused the eradication of half the earth.
  • Pain Inducement– Since Thanos has control over the energy from the stones, he can project them to his enemies, which causes pain as they do not possess the same durability he has. 
  • Mind manipulation– Thanos can lure anybody to do what he wants by interfering with his mind and enticing them.
  • Time manipulation– Thanos can interfere with time easily and go into the future or reverse the events that happened in the past.
  • Biological Manipulation– The character can change any living organism into the form he wants or objects without difficulty.
  • Matter alteration– The stones help Thanos to change matter to whatever form he likes. This means he can change solids or liquids into gases or vice versa.

All factors considered, who would win in a fight between Thanos and Doctor Doom?

Without half-hearted certitude, this would be the most attention-grabbing fight to experience, and fanatics would watch it repeatedly due to its high thought-provoking levels. This is because the two characters are formidable in their own peculiar ways.

In case of an ambush, both Doom and Thanos would not be able to see it coming since they do not have any boosted senses; therefore, it may be a win for the person making the ambush. We are not sure if Thanos would have the Infinity stones, but it would be right to make that assumption for the bout to be more captivating.

Both combatants can fight while at close range or at a distance, as Doom can perform magic, and Thanos is guided by the infinity stones. The main determinant leading to an undisputable victory is whether magic is more powerful than the infinity stones.

This is because both Doom and Thanos depict all the other powers. Doom will automatically invent a spell that crushes or destroys the infinity stones to render Thanos weak.

However, it is unclear if he can project a powerful spell as the stones are extremely robust and cannot be destroyed easily. Additionally, he can use his magic to heal from any harm that the stones may cause him. The healing factor also applies to Thanos.

On the other hand, Thanos might use his psionic abilities to enter his opponent’s mind and interfere with him. This will help as the spells are generated from the mind; therefore, he will know what to expect.

However, Doom can counter the power using his magic spell and reverse it to Thanos, fully controlling his mind.

We cannot forget that Doom has the blocking power that he can use to stop any adversary from using their power against him. If this magic works on the infinity stones or on Thanos, it will render him inoperable and harmless to Doom; hence destroying him becomes an easy task.

However, Thanos possesses death inducement and biological manipulation whereby he can kill Doom within seconds or change him into other forms, making him feeble. Nonetheless, would he succeed? I bet not.

The environment in which they fight is not a determinant factor, as they can manipulate any object to their advantage and make it a weapon. Even if they fight in an empty room, the materials that built the walls can be used as weapons.

Both characters are geniuses, with Doom owning robots who look exactly like him. If he opts to use them in the battle as they are like weapons to him, Thanos would have a hard time keeping up with them as he cannot attack all of them at once.

So through evaluations, who would outstrip the other?

From my perspective, magic has more power than the infinity stones. Many people can even insinuate that the power possessed by the infinity stones may be a result of magic. Additionally, it is common knowledge that magic can make anything impossible to be possible.

Therefore, if it comes to worst, Doom will automatically use his magic to block all his opponents’ powers before he even uses them. He can also destroy or strip off Thanos’ power source, as has happened to him previously, but that would make the fight too easy.

Without any qualms, Doctor Doom would definitely be the victor against Thanos with a remarkably impressive performance that will hypnotize the audience. Though it may or may not be as easy, he would have to tactfully suppress Thanos’ infinity stones.

Why did Doctor Doom and Thanos not fight?

As charismatic as it sounds, Doctor Doom and Thanos have never engaged in a fight to the death in the Marvel Cinematic Universe due to some reason. (Nonetheless, evidence shows that they might have encountered each other while in the comics.)

Primarily, both characters live in entirely different worlds. Thanos comes from the planet of Titans, while Doctor Doom lives on earth, specifically born in a Romani camp. It explains why they have never met, let alone engaged in a fight.

Moreover, the two were born at different times, making it another reason they did not indulge in combat. Thanos came to life about a century ago, while Doctor Doom was brought to earth in 1970, implying that Thanos may have died before Doom was born.

Conclusively, Marvel would benefit in the best way possible by creating the scene as most comic devotees would die to witness the contest.