Wolverine vs. Akuma: Who Would Win a Fight?

“My name is Akuma! The Master of Fists!”

(Quoted by Akuma)

There is absolutely zero chance of any difference of opinion as to whether the Marvel and Street fighter series placate the audience to levels that overtake their expectations. But there’s a chance that they could do more if maybe they changed tactics and joined forces to input more fascinating fights that are just more than a superhero fighting a villain.

To be more unambiguous, let us focus on the two most treasured characters in the movie industry: Wolverine, also known as Logan, and Akuma.

Akuma is a character in the intriguing Street Fighter series. He is known not to embrace or possess any feelings and his sole intention is to be the best combatant in the world. This is so because he keeps training daily and, is never contented with his abilities, however, exceptional others may perceive them. He is a complicated individual since he has zero liking for his younger brother, Gouken, and his master, Goutestu, as he thinks both do not use the Satsui, their adopted fighting style, to its maximum potential or for its purpose. His abilities award him many enemies who wish to incapacitate him, primarily due to envy, rivalry, or self-satisfaction.

Wolverine is one of the old personalities in the movies and comics, tracing his origin to the world war as he actively participated in it. His abilities result from a science experiment known as Project X. He was enticed to join the X-Men by Professor Xavier, who took him in after witnessing what he was capable of. Like any other curious individual who would feel out of place when the powers depict themselves, he felt fit to be part of the people who are of the mutant species just as he was. Furthermore, he needed training on methodologies to cope with the previous memories that were repeatedly haunting him.

So here’s the stimulating notion,

What would the upshot be if Akuma and Wolverine decided to go head to head in a skirmish that would cost their existence? Who would win between the two daunting and dangerous beings who exist in the superhero world?

Akuma’s strengths and powers

1. Accomplished Martial artist

It is evident from the scenes that he uses his free time to train even though he is perfectly capable of winning any scuffle. He loves his fighting skills uniquely and is always looking for new techniques to make them more resilient.

Consequently, the Satui no Hadou, a special and unique power, endowed him extensively, making them be one. His skills are awe-inspiring, with illustrations like killing only with a hit and smashing hard rocks with little trouble. He also possesses powerful and destructive upper kicks known as the Gou Shoryuken.

Other belligerent techniques that the character uses include

· Hurricane Scythe Ki– This involves confronting using an uncountable number of spiraling kicks that are hard to keep up with.

· Kongou Kokuretsu Zan– This mainly encompasses using one fist. Akuma redirects all his power to the fist and hits the ground hard enough to cause mild or severe earthquakes in his environment.

2. Gou Hadouken

 This is one of the most used power by Akuma. It involves generating a perilous and powerful ball of fire from his arms through maximum meditation and throwing it toward the opponent. It has no limitation as he can throw it at any given distance.

3. The Raging Demon Ability

It is evident that this is the power that he incorporates during adverse conditions or if he perceives the enemy may outshine him. Usually, he slithers directly to the antagonist and after capturing, he releases 16 hells, attacking their soul and heart.

The power has its disadvantages, whereby if Akuma does not gain full and uninterrupted concentration, the power may crush him instead.

4. He turns into an Omni.

Due to his direct endorsement by the Satsui no Hadou, he can conjoin with it to appear as a small strange, and dominant creature making him very arduous to challenge. Evidence from the movies dictates that he becomes the most potent being as he ultimately loses any warrior’s guidelines or code and even humanity itself.

Many fighters and allies perceive him as a god due to this ability, as he becomes an entirely unstoppable evil. No one would dare face him for any cause since they would automatically be defaced.

Wolverine Strengths and Powers

1. Adamantium claws

Logan’s body successfully endured alterations of Project X with the adoption of the adamantium skeleton as the focal modification. His body is aligned with the most robust metal in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, denoted as adamantium.

I bet everybody is astounded by the wonders it can do. For one, it is unbreakable and does not react to electricity; therefore, Logan has no fear of electrocutions. It cannot bend in any way, and they come out from his body when he only wants it to happen.

However, it is sadly not resistant to magnetism; therefore, making it a limitation as use of magnets is a tactic an opponent can use, just as Magneto did.

2. Redeveloping healing factor

Wolverine is hardly put down since his body can heal rapidly. In case of harm, such as cuts and bruises, the tissue will heal itself and replace with a new one. The main element that makes this power not entirely reliable is the adversity of the injuries that he endures during a battle.

If he gets unfortunate and gets a grave wound, it takes extended time to heal, creating a loophole that the fighter will use to his advantage and finish him off.

This power raises curiosity among many enthusiasts as to whether Logan can die. Yes, he can die, and it has been demonstrated through many occurrences in the Marvel comics. Largely through drowning. Also, it does not mean that he cannot feel pain; as long as the injury has not healed, he must endure it.

3. Superhuman strengths.

The primary facilitator of this power is the healing factor since Wolverine becomes more robust with new and healthy tissues every time an injury heals. It’s like adding strength to an already strong being.

4. An Expert Fighter

It is with no doubt that Wolverine is among the best fighters Marvel has ever created. His participation in the war, his enhanced training and fights while in the X-Men, and his endurances to critical times constitute the utmost experience he holds.

Additionally, his reflexes and agility are astounding compared to many and out of the ordinary. He can counterattack within seconds to avoid any damages that may wear him out. The skills gained together with his power make him a strong individual with higher chances of winning a duo with a villain or enemy.

5. Amplified Senses.

Wolverine has heightened sensory abilities as compared to a typical man or animal. They are similar but more powerful compared to a wolf. He can smell things from a distance, even the slightest whiff that may linger around him. It helps him to be a good hunter; therefore, starvation cannot be an option for him.

Furthermore, he can effortlessly see heat waves in the atmosphere, visibly seeing anything or any living thing in the dark or at night. Additionally, he can hear anything despite how far the sounds may come from. He is able to listen and make the necessary evaluations and preparations with determined concentration.

All factors considered, who would win in a fight between Wolverine and Akuma?

Although this ideology may look thrilling and cherished, one cannot really distinguish how the battle would go down. It is only a matter of speculations bred by evaluations of their strengths and powers.

For the battle to be fair, they ought to both be aware, but if it becomes an ambush, Logan would be very hard to attack without being noticed.

From my perspective, Akuma may be a better combatant due to the supplementary tactics that come with his fighting skills. He can strike very hard and wear out the healing factor, making Logan switch off. In that case, he may use any technique he deems fit to kill him.

The task will not be easy-peasy since Logan’s reflexes and agility are very superhumanly fast. If any case, Logan gets a chance to use his adamantium claws, which will make the fight take a shorter time since it would be the end of Akuma. This is because his suit is totally penetrable, and he is not immortal.

I bet he would not want to be at close range with Logan if he has not disabled him yet.

We cannot forget he can change into an Omni and do dangerous things. It would be difficult to pierce Akuma while in that form since he will not be reachable, and this is one of his offensive tactics.

So, who has a higher chance of winning the fight between the two characters? Akuma would probably use the fireball to distract Logan and slow him down in time to be at close range. When unfocussed, he may use the Gou Shoryuken tactic, an uppercut that will also slow Wolverine down.

While at it, he has many techniques that would be successful. He can use Hurricane Scythe Ki which implicates hammering using several kicks at once that Logan would not be able to keep up or counter them.

The raging dragon ability can come in handy as well. The 16 hells, as commonly referred to, may destroy his heart, thereby debilitating him at once.

On the other hand, Wolverine has meagre chances of winning since he can only predominantly rely on his enhanced senses and adamantium claws. The senses may help him counter any attack if he concentrates on the impact of the wind in the environment they are fighting in.

The healing factor may also be useful since he can put up a fight for the longest time to know his opponent’s weaknesses and use them to his benefit. However, I highly doubt that he may come out victorious.

After much contemplation, Akuma would automatically emerge as the victor due to his many adverse fighting techniques toward Logan. But he would have to be tactical as Logan is not easy to kill, and he rarely concedes to defeat unless he is dead.

Why did Wolverine and Akuma not fight?

There are few explanations why two of the best fighters have not engaged in a brawl, even if it is for comparing strengths to gauge who is more powerful.

First, anybody can tell that they are from different independent entities that have similar goals in entertainment. Wolverine is from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while Akuma belongs to the Street Fighter Series.

This makes it impossible for them to meet or even engage in a conflict that may lead to a battle. In the future, we cannot say it is impossible because one organization might decide to broaden its creativity and engage with the other thereby, making the fantasy a reality.

In addition, both characters are not villains. Many confuse Akuma as a villain, but that might not be the case since he is just an opponent and not entirely an enemy to their people. Logan also fights for a good cause; therefore, they must figure out who should be the villain in their story.

Also, the two come from different times; although from the same world, as Logan is from Canada whereas Akuma hails from Japan. This factor may make the whole situation easy to create as the movie makers would just have to make them appear during the same time for a battle to be successful.

Maybe the bout will happen, or perhaps it will not, but arguably making it happen would be the stakeholders’ best decision ever made in the entertainment regime.

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